As a series of devastating explosions ripple across the continent, Naryn – a girl stolen from wizards, and Raall – the ruler of a conquered nation, must uncover the truth behind a centuries-old secret that will change their world forever.
After a lifetime spent hiding from the wizards who tried to steal her as a baby, Naryn believes she is safe. When she saves a stranger’s life, she inadvertently brings her pursuers down upon her. Forced to flee across a war-torn continent, Naryn is thrust into a journey to the source of magic that will have deadly consequences.
Raall had never put much stock in talk of sorcerers, but only the darkest of magic could explain the destruction of his country. Now a prisoner in the city of wizards, he must uncover the secrets threatening to tear the world apart, the repercussions of which will have a far more personal cost than he realises.
Lineage of Wizardry, book 1 of the Twin Origin series, is an epic fantasy set in a unique and expansive world. It blends elements of thriller and adventure, all wrapped in a strong mystery with a world-shattering conclusion.